Friday, June 26, 2009

Oracle 10g RAC on Linux -- copy from Oracle-Base

removed this post as it is available on Oracle-Base and only affects search results here. too long.
I will try to keep my posts easy to understand and easy to use for readers. So I will keep them short.

Enjoy reading.

Ken Chen

Tuesday, June 16, 2009



Basic Unix Command Mind map

This is a copy from David G Ward, a teacher of Seneca College in Toronto. When I was studying at York University, I went to listen to some lectures that interested me. There are quite a few famous instructors in Seneca, such as Murray Saul, Cathy Leung...they are really good.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Oracle RAC Installation Tree

Please feel free to distribute this mindmap, but do not remove the Company Name.


Ken Chen

Friday, June 12, 2009




Wednesday, June 10, 2009





Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Data Warehouse Best Practices(2) -- Optimizing Star Queries

--From Oracle DW Best Practices White Paper

Two most important criteria are:

1. Create a BITMAP index on each of the foreign key columns in the fact table or tables

2. Set the init parameter STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLE to TRUE. This will enable the optimizer feature for star queries.

Data Warehouse Best Practice (1) -- Partition exchange load

--From Oracle DW Best Practices White Paper

1. Create external table for the flat file data coming from the online system
2. Using CTAS statement, create a non-partitioned table that has the same column structure as Sales table
3. Build any indexes that are on the Sales table on the temp_sales table
4. Gather optimizer statistics on the temp_sales
5. Issue the exchange partition command:
ALTER table Sales EXCHANGE partition May_24_2009 with table temp_sales including indexes without validation;

The last step does not physically move data, it simply updates the data dictionary to reset a pointer from the partition to the table and vice versa. So it is a sub-second operation and far less likely to impact performance than any traditional data-movement approaches such as INSERT.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Life is not about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to dance in the rain.




Thursday, June 4, 2009

SAP R/3 Database Admin Lab Mind Map

This is another one I would like to share.

Again, please feel free to copy or link it, but DO NOT remove the company name.


Ken Chen

BR*Tools Mind Map

I always find it an easier way to memorize notes by making tree mind maps.

Feel free to copy this image if you like it. But please DO NOT remove my company name from it.


Ken Chen

SAP BASIS Study Notes 1 --Adjusting Tablespace

We got warning emails saying that a tablespace may be out of free space soon.

A shell script runs nightly to verify the free tablespace of the database. If free space is less than 75% of recommended threshold number, it will send out an email to DBAs. The recommended threshold number is determined by 4 times monthly data growth.

Use BR*Tools to resize the data file or extend the tablespace.

  1. su to production account;
  2. Start brtools and choose 2 - Space management;
  3. Then choose 5 - alter data file;
  4. Then BRSPACE asks you to enter input values; I picked 4 ~ Tablespace names and paste the tablespace name;
  5. typed "c" to continue several times till we see menu 314;
  6. Choose 5-Resize data file;
  7. picked the data file;
  8. entered the new size for the option with "?";
  9. verified the sql statement is correct, and "c"ontinued;
  10. got the successful message;
  11. exit the program.

My own Mind Map program in Java script and Python

I had been searching online mindmap apps for my study for a while and never got one that I am really happy with.  Then I asked myself what I...